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Crayon Resist with Jess


Remember the paint pallets you received from Pre-School in your craft bags, get them out and join Jess in doing some crayon resist art.

What do you need

  • paint pallets (water colour only) and paint brush

  • paper

  • either crayons or candles

Firstly you draw a picture with either crayons or candle and then wash over your picture with the water colour paints. Due to the candle and crayon being a wax the water colour will resist the wax.

The experience is wonderful in developing our imagination and curiosity which are both dispositions of learning. Furthermore it is another opportunity to develop our fine motor skills and control over writing utensils such as crayons. Send us a picture of the great art pieces you have made.


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We acknowledge the Traditional custodians and cultural knowledge  holders of this land, the Darkinjung People – both past and present.
We recognise that we are part of the world community as well as our local community.

And is our role to support children to become environmentally responsible and contribute to a sustainable future.
We strongly believe in the principles of Respect and Responsibility as representing the foundation of our early childhood practices.


Copyright © 2018 Long Jetty Preschool Incorporated

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