Our management committee
As we are a Community Based Service we are managed by a volunteer Management Committee elected at our Annual General Meeting (usually in March) each year. The Management Committee is also referred to as the Approved Service Provider. This Committee is made up of volunteer parents/carers of the children attending the Pre-School and interested community members.
The Committee has a number of Office bearing positions such as:
Vice President
General Members:
Together this group of enthusiastic and generous volunteers, along with the co-operation and involvement of our Director (Nominated Supervisor) and Educators (Staff), manage the service and ensure we meet all National Government regulations relating to the operation of a community Education and Care service like ours.
We very much appreciate the time, effort and dedication of our Committee Members – they play a vital role in our service!
The Department of Education and Communities appoints the Management Committee as the Approved Service Provider for the year. Each month the Committee and the Director meet to maintain ongoing management and planning.
If you would like more information on becoming involved in this way, please see a staff member or a member of the Committee.